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Our Goals

Optimize resources to continually improve student instruction and performance.

Continually assess the safety and efficiency of the district facilities to optimize teaching and learning.

Provide progressive instruction utilizing the technology and information of current and future trends in employment and life skills.

Maintain and seek to enhance communication into and out of the district.

2CJ Mission Statement

The District will provide curriculum and programs for ALL students to enable them to be proficient and to allow them to excel as ethical, responsible, and successful members of a global society. 


School Board

Board Packet Access

The Port Orford-Langlois School District has implemented a process for "paperless" school board meetings. To view agendas, minutes and information for board meetings, click on the following and this will take you to the appropriate website. You will then be able to view and/or print information for board meetings.

If the above process does not work for your computer, then copy and paste or type the following on your internet browser address line:

Volunteer Information

Thank you for your willingness to volunteer your time at our schools. We believe that you are an integral part of our work educating students, and we encourage you to actively participate in our childrens’ educations.


In order to begin volunteering in any capacity within the schools, you will need to be approved through the District Office.

You will need to complete the follow forms.


Once completed the form is submitted to the Principal, and then sent on to the District Office for processing. We will notify you when you are cleared to volunteer, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation regarding our volunteer guidelines.

When you are volunteering at school it is vital that you maintain the schedule you have established with the teacher, or schedule your volunteer time well in advance with the teacher so that he/she is prepared for you and thus best able to utilize you in the classroom.


Confidentiality is of the utmost importance in your association with teachers and students. What you see and hear at school is private. You are in a unique position when you volunteer in the schools to have information that is not meant to be shared. Students you observe in the classroom or the school cannot be discussed with other parents, faculty, or staff. Please refer any question regarding students to the child’s teacher or principal.

Volunteering in our Schools and Classrooms

You are under the direct supervision of the teachers and need to use your skill within the system established in the classroom. If one of the students is your child, it is a natural tendency to focus more attention on your student. Please explain to your child that you are in the room to help the entire class, and you have a job to do, just like he/she does. This will ensure that both you and your child have a positive experience.


Remember, we are all, (teachers, staff and volunteers) role models for the children around us. Students are watching, listening and learning appropriate behavior from our actions. Inappropriate language or discussions are not allowed on campus or on field trips.


Volunteers are never to discipline students. Discipline is solely the responsibility of the teachers, who are the professionals hired to plan the lessons and see that they are implemented. The volunteer always works under the direction of the teacher to help, not replace the teacher.


If you are supervising a group of children and the teacher is unavailable, volunteers may appropriately address safety or behavior issues, and it is the responsibility of the volunteer to inform the teacher as soon as possible about these issues. However, any consequences for behavior are to be left to the teacher.


When attending field trips, parents must ride on the bus with the class. This will ensure that everyone arrives and leaves at the same time and the class is not delayed waiting for a chaperone. Please also remember that you may not bring another child or sibling on any field trip.


Volunteers are asked to use good judgment with regard to proper school attire. Please do not wear clothes that carry an inappropriate message or reference the use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.


Cell phones are to be turned off in the classrooms. If you need to be reached, please let the office know you are expecting a call and the office will either take a message or try to locate you.


Our schools and campuses are tobacco free zones.

Contact District Office

45525 HWY 101

Sixes, OR 97476

Phone: (541) 348-2455

Fax: (541) 348-2228


Port Orford-Langlois School District 

PO Box 8

Port Orford, OR 97465

The Port Orford-Langlois School District 2CJ is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and nondiscriminatory educational environment. Port Orford-Langlois School District 2CJ does not permit discrimination or harassment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, physical and/or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, marital status or any other characteristic protected by institutional policy or state, local, or federal law.

Anyone wishing to make a formal complaint regarding discrimination or sexual harassment may contact Aaron Miller, District Title IX Coordinator at or (541) 348 - 2455.

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